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Character List
Kelton- (Kel-Tin) The rebellious hero who seeks to avenge his father's death...
Jax- (Jacks) A henchman of Tarah...
Heihachi- (Hey-hah-chyy) A henchman of Tarah...
Jitama- (Jee-ta-ma) The elder henchman of Tarah...
Tarah- (Tear-uh) The female leader of Noko Town, who holds a strong secret.
Kimiko- (Kee-mee-ko) The main hero and a woman hired too capture Kelton before he reaches Adam!
Masaki- (Mah-suh-kee) A member of the Deceased Unit and a close friend to Kimiko!
Adam- (A-dum) The man responsible for the last Great War and Kelton's father's death...
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