"The Forbidden One"
Chapter Eleven: "Kokuo Town???"
Kelton and his team rush to Kokuo Town to receive information on Adam and Tarah! However, when they get there...
Kelton stops at the destroyed gate and notices the town in a large pit of rubble and smoke!
Kimiko: What the hell happened here?
Jitama: It seems that...someone destroyed this place!
Kelton: Tch! (It's no doubt...he did this!)
Heihachi: Lord Jitama, what will we do now?
Jitama: I'm going to investigate the town. The rest of you...wait here till I return.
Kelton: No...it's too risky.
Jitama: I'll be back...Trust me!
Kelton: ?!
(???: I'll be back, son. Trust me!)
Kelton: Sorry, I don't trust it when people tell me that anymore...
Kimiko: (Kelton...)
Kelton: Kimiko!
Kimiko: Hmm?
Kelton: I want you to take the rest of the team to the other side of this ruin.
Kimiko: Why?
Kelton: We will be coming out from that way...
Kimiko: What if you all don't make it out?!
Kelton: I'll send you all a signal...
Jax: What signal is that?
Kelton: You'll know it when you see it!
Masaki: Kelton, you two will be under rubble! How could we see any signal you give us...
Kelton: Jitama! Let's go...
Heihachi: Kelton! Jitama!
The two walk into the rubble and begin their journey through the town.
Kimiko: All right! Let's get to the other side of this town!
Taji: Right...it'll be a bother if we don't and they do. I hope they bring food out of there...
Kimiko: All you think about is food!
Masaki: All you think about is money!
Kimiko: (Money...Wait a minute! Kelton never gave me that $300 back!!)
Heihachi: Let's go...
All: Right!
Kelton and Jitama slowly walk through the ruins and find the townspeople dead.
Kelton: He even killed them the same way!
Jitama: What are you talking about?
Kelton: It's nothing. (There's no doubt, he killed them just like he killed my tribe!)
The two then notice an injured civilian...
Jitama: Kelton! This one is still alive!
Kelton: I see...
Injured Civilian: Y-You...have...to help...me.
Kelton: Is the one who did this still here?
Injured Civilian: N-No...but he...left...some woman...in charge!
Kelton: Jitama, take this guy out of here and have someone from our squad to heal him to the point he can talk properly. I'll go look for Tarah!
Jitama: Be careful!
Kelton: .....
Jitama grabs the injured civilian and places him on his back. Jitama then leaves to get to the front gate...Kelton searches around to find Tarah.
Kelton: Tch! She's nowhere around here...Where the hell is she?!
Jitama reaches the front gate...
Jitama: Dammit! They went to the other side of the town!
Injured Civilian: I don't feel too well...
Jitama: (This man is about to collapse! I need to get there soon)
???: You're not going anywhere, Jitama!
Jitama: ?!
Tarah appears and stands before Jitama!!
Tarah: This is where you die!
At the end of the town...
Kimiko: (?! T-This energy flow!!)