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                                         Chapter 3: Deathmatch Part II


            It happened so fast, in a flash, Lionel stopped that guy’s powered gauntlets with his bare hands, and repelled the attack ten fold. The crowd cheered, with excitement. The bearded man rolled back a couple feet. He flashed above him, and burned him to a crisp with his fire technique. Adam smirked and then turned his gaze onto a teenage girl and boy frozen stiff; staring at each other. From the looks of it they could’ve been lovers. Adam scanned the arena and noticed it was only fifteen people left standing. He felt nauseous and his stomach felt as if it was about to explode.  A warrior with a black plated slim ninja outfit appeared in the middle of the battle, and he lunged towards five people and zips past them. Out of nowhere there bodies fell apart. Adam was astonished and curious of the vigilantly, When did he draw his blade? But before anyone could interfere the mysterious warrior’s body reformed into a blue liquid and he was gone. “Wow!” Adam said erupted with excitement. There were 10 people left standing; holding their grounds and not giving up an inch. The two lovers remain zoned out, a shadow of long metallic black silky hair moved through the air towards the two lovers. Creeping, closer and enroot to end them quick. All of a sudden the announcer said a chant, and everyone was froze even me. Somehow Adam was able to force his body back in motion; nobody noticed, except the announcer who casted the spell.



            “Alright, this competition is adjured. I would like to express my regards towards of all of your abilities, and perseverance, but I think there are enough bodies here, wouldn’t you all agree? The headmaster has shown favor on these ten contestants; Are all admitted in our University. Congratulations!” he finished speaking…

            Then the effect of the spell wore off, and Adam stood up to stretch, and a bright fluorescent light shined in my face. “Young man, I would love it if you e\joined The Academy of Serannon. I’ve seen your utmost potential, and you have all the qualities for a pre-knight; therefore will you accept my offer?” the announcer asked. He looked up at him, and nodded. “Yes...sir!” The crowd began to applauded, and Lionel turned and glanced at his younger shadow, and walked out the room with the rest of the ten knights to rest.

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