Chapter 6: Ambitious Pursuit!
Adam boils up in anger, and shouts. “I didn’t ask to be saved; I was fine before you came!” Simmon smirks and laughs hard. “Yeah, sure you were kid.” The dragon snarled, and emits a huge wave of dark black flames. Without hesitation Simmon jumped in front of Adam. He held back the wave with his blade, and the dragon let out a rageful growl; overpowering Simmon’s will power, and he was launched backward. He hit the ground with immense speed, and blood escaped the tunnels of his mouth. As he fell his sword did to; it landed vertically in front of Adam. Adam, shaken up from what just occurred, and his eyes began to scan the room from Simmon to the dragon. The prepared another wave, and Adam’s eyes widened and he screamed “I don’t want to die!” He covered the roof of his head, and the blast missed him and hit the rocks behind him. As the rocks slid down towards Adam, and Simmon a loud roar could be heard from the movement of the rocks. A spark of instinct struck in Adam’s heart, and he grabs Simmon and throws him out of the way. Then he does a barrel roll; escaping the rocks from behind him. He leaps forward removing the sword from the gravel, and lunges up at the Devil Creature and swings… “Aargh!” he screamed and yelled, as a puddle blood flows from a body.
“Professor Eric has information on the incident two night’s ago, proceed Master Eric.” The headmaster commanded. “I saw a strange hooded figure running from the main hall, and he was holding something wrapped in his arms.” Eric said revealing what he knew. A member of the staff claims “It wasn’t something. I t was the eternal sword!” “Hold your tone Michael!” The headmaster shouted. “But, he’s a little brat, he’s so irresponsible he didn’t even take charge and chase down the figure. Yet, you let him become a professor; ugh disgusting!” Michael responds out of sheer jealousy and aggression towards Eric and young appeal. “Well I didn’t take him down because I followed him, but he disappeared into the forest right when I was about to confront him.” Eric said defensively.” Alright, it has to be someone who has admission and identification in our system or else they wouldn’t be able to get into the academy.” The headmaster adds. “I’m already working on leads sir!” Eric states. “Very well, dismissed!” the headmaster shouts as he returns below the floor. Everyone did the knight's pledge and salute and dismissed their selves. As Eric and Michael get to the door Eric holds the door for him. “Ladies first Michelle.” Eric says hysterically and ran off.
A figure stood on top of a giant dragon, blood drips from his fingertips, as he falls backwards and is caught by Simmon. “You've fought with great resolve, but you must rest now.” Simmon said as he picked him up and carried him on his back.