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"The Forbidden One"

Chapter 12: "Jitama Falls: The End of the Road!"

  Jitama glares at Tarah...

Jitama: So, you really are working for Adam, huh? (Turns to injured civilian) Sir, I want you to run and get out of here...

Injured Civilian: Yes, sir...

 The man limps and leaves the battlefield...

Jitama: Are you really working for Adam?

Tarah: Well, I guess you could say that.

Jitama: Tarah, this is where you will fall! I will stop you even if it's the last thing I do!

 Tarah grits her teeth in pain and holds her left arm!

Jitama: It seems you've already been weakened...

Tarah: Damn that Kelton!

 Inside of the town, Kelton sneezes...

Kelton: AAAACHOOO! (sniffle sniffle) What the hell was that?

 Back to Jitama and Tarah...

Tarah: I was poisoned a little during my fight with Kelton a couple of days ago.

Jitama: I see...well then, I'll use that to my advantage!

 Jitama rushes at her after summoning a large metal pipe into his hands.

Jitama: Take this!

 He smacks it across Tarah's face and blood splatters from her mouth onto him.

Jitama: You nasty bitch!!

 Jitama then smacks her again with the pipe, however, he too is knocked down as she is...

Jitama: What the hell?

Tarah: Hmph! Complete...

 Jitama stands and rushes back at her, dropping the pipe, he swings his fist. She evades each punch...

Jitama: (Swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing)

Tarah: It won't do any good if you can't hit me!

Jitama: Dammit! Stay still!!

Tarah: No, thank you...

 Tarah leaps over Jitama and places a seal on his back!

Jitama: ARGH! (He falls)

Tarah: You're too clumsy, old man!

Jitama: I'm going to have to summon...

 Jitama claps his hands together and in a large cloud of smoke, a Great Ape appeared.

Jitama: Go! Golden Magic Monkey!!

Tarah: What?

Ape: What did I tell you about calling me that?!

Jitama: Sorry...about that! Heh-heh-heh...

Tarah: This is no laughing matter. You are going to die!

Jitama: Ape Technique: FLAMING FOUNTAIN!!!

The Ape roars and spews a giant ocean of lava towards Tarah!!!

Jitama: This technique cannot be dodged!

Ape: Jitama!!

Jitama: What?!

Ape: You have to stop the lava! It's heading towards Kokuo Town and your comrade is inside, isn't he!?

Jitama: Dammit! (He's right...I'll have to take this battle elsewhere or else, Kelton and the town will be caught in this fight.)

Tarah: You don't have time to think about that!!

Jitama: What?!

 Tarah appears behind him and lunges her blade through his shoulder. He quickly leaps off of his ape...

Jitama: Agh! (How did she know what I was thinking?!)

Tarah: The seal I placed on you is to control your mind...and I can also read you movements and counter before you can even execute the plan...

Jitama: Dammit! So...

Tarah: There's also one other technique this seal can do!

Jitama: What?!

  Suddenly, Kimiko appears rushing at Tarah!

Kimiko: I've finally found you! You killed my sister!!

Tarah: Kimiko...what are you doing here?

Kimiko: I'm KILL YOU!!!

Tarah: Well, hold on. I'm a bit tied up, but I'm about to end it soon.

Kimiko: You don't have time to "end it!"

Jitama: Thank you, Kimiko!

 Kimiko rushes at Tarah with her fists ready to knock her off!!


Jitama: What?!

 Kimiko stops and looks back at Jitama...

Kimiko: What?!

  Suddenly, Jitama explodes from the inside out and his blood splats onto Kimiko's face...

Tarah: Now, I can kill you...

Kimiko: ?! (Shivers)

  Kimiko shivers and trembles to the excessive amount of blood on her face.

Tarah: What happened? Weren't you going to kill me!?

Kimiko: I...I...

Tarah: You can't do it, huh? Well...

 Tarah walks towards Kimiko with her sword. Kimiko falls to her knees and Tarah raises her sword!

Tarah: You can't kill me...

Kelton: I can!

Tarah: AARRGH!!

  Kelton lunges his Shockwave through her heart and he holds it in his hand...Her heart stops beating in his hand and he drops it to the ground along with her body!

Kelton: Kimiko, Let's go!



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