They reach the gate of the Temple of Dogs!
Kimiko: So, now you're going in there to fight her...
Kelton: Not me...you are!
Kimiko: What?! What the hell are you talking about?
Kelton: I can't hit a girl!
Kimiko: It's a damn dog!
Kelton: Listen, how about I'll pay you $300 if you capture her...
Kimiko: $300? Tarah paid me $300,000 to capture you!
Kelton: I am a human, she is a dog. You get me?
Kimiko: Dammit, Kelton! I hate you so much...
Kelton: (Laugh) Good luck!
Kimiko: Wait, what are you going to do while I'm fighting her?
Kelton: I'll be fighting the male dogs out here! If she's that important, she should have a couple of guards around here somewhere...
Kimiko: Good idea! Okay, let's do this!!
Kelton: Wait! Kimiko!!
Kimiko: What is it?
Kelton: Take this...
Kelton picks up a pair of dogs teeth and hands them to her...
Kimiko: What the fuck?! What am I supposed to do with these?
Kelton: If you have these they'll think you're one of them. now, put them in your mouth...
Kimiko: Get the fuck out of here...I'm going in!
Kelton: (Laughs)
Kimiko rushes inside and Kelton unsheathes his blade, waiting for the ambush of dogs! Suddenly, Kelton hears a loud howl...
Kelton: Those aren't dogs...Those are...
Meanwhile, Kimiko races through the Tower in search for the Blue-Nosed Pit Bull.
Dog Guard: Do you have any business here?
Kimiko: Yes, I do...
Dog Guard: State your business at once!
Kimiko: It's to kill you!
Dog Guard: What!?
Kimiko then runs a dagger through the dog's head!
???: Well, isn't that cruelty to animals?!
Kimiko: ?! You're...
???: ......
Kelton hears the howls getting closer!!
Kelton: These aren't dogs...These are hellhounds. Invisible dogs with only the intent to kill! I'll need my Dragon-Eyes to find them...(Activates Dragon-Eyes)
Kelton notices one of them staring him in the face...
Kelton: (SCREAM)
He quickly chops the head of the hellhound off! The hound then becomes visible after its death!
Kelton: Huff! Huff! (Gulp) That was close...
He suddenly senses the other hellhounds surrounding him...
Kelton: Bring it, bitches!
Meanwhile, Kimiko fights with the Blue-Nosed Pit Bull!
Kimiko: (She's strong...for a dog!)
BNPB: You're pretty weak to be a human...is that all you got?
Kimiko's body becomes that of a Reaper and her speed increases sixtysix-hundredfold!!!!
BNPB: I can't keep up...with her speed!
Kimiko slashes her in her back and her hind legs bringing her down! Kimiko then appears above her and extends her hand into the Blue-Nosed Pit Bull and extracts her soul!
Kimiko: SEAL!!!
She seals the dog's soul into a jar of tea! Kimiko takes the jar and the body of the Blue-Nosed Pit Bull and leaves...She exits and finds Kelton.
Kimiko: Are you finished?
Kelton: Huff! Huff! Huff! Yeah...I'm done! Damn, those things are strong!!
Kimiko: I've captured and killed her...
Kelton: (Out of Breath) Good...now, let's go and get this to the Dog God, so I can get what I need!