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                                                              Chapter Seven: "The Dog God!!!"


 The team of Kimiko, Kelton, Masaki, and Taji rush throughout Noko Town, looking for Adam and Tarah!

Kimiko: Tch! They're not here!

Kelton: I didn't expect them to be...

Masaki: So, now what?

Taji: I say, we go get something to eat, I'm starving!

Masaki: You know, I could eat, too!

Kimiko: Then, go get a quick snack and then we're moving out of this town!

Masaki/Taji: Yes...

Kimiko: Kelton, so what's the plan?

Kelton: ...I can't defeat Adam with the current power that I have, but...

Kimiko: But what?

Kelton: I know someone who can give it to me...

Kimiko: Who?

Kelton: Come with me...Let's go!

Kimiko: What about Masaki and Taji?

Kelton: Forget them...we'll come back for them later!

Kimiko: Where are we going?

Kelton: You ask too many questions...

 Kelton leads her to a dark cave with a green light illuminating inside of it!

Kimiko: What is this place!

Kelton: This is where...a friend of mine lives.

Kimiko: He lives in a cave?

Kelton: Something like can say, he guards it.

Kimiko: Enough riddles! Who is he?

Kelton: Come with me and you'll find out...

 They walk into a cave and Kimiko hears a vicious snarl in the distance. She looks at Kelton in terror as they continue deeper into the cave. Kimiko looks onward and Kelton smiles ominously...

Kimiko: I don't think we need to be here.

Kelton: Trust's okay.

Kimiko: I barely even know you and you expect me to trust you with my life.

Kelton: as you want to. I'm getting my power.

 Kimiko quiets herself and Kelton charges his Shockwave through a boulder that blocks their path!

Kelton: SHOCKWAVE!!!

The boulder collapes and the vicious monster turns slightly to notice them.

Kimiko: ?! (This amount of power is off the charts! It's totally unstable!!)

???: Why have you come to me?

Kelton: I'm here to reclaim the Flourescent Stone my father left for me to receive!

???: Your father...? Then, you must be...

Kelton: That's right. I'm his son, Kelton Perralius!!

Kimiko: (Perralius!? No wonder he's so strong! He's from the Perralian Tribe!! The members of that tribe are all savages!

???: I see...but how can you prove it?

Kelton: My father told me that you would have a mission for me in exchange for the power of the Flourescent Stone!

???: So, it is you! You've grown quite a bit, old are you now?

Kelton: I'm 22 years old, Dog God!

Kimiko: (The Dog God! Dog God!?

Dog God: Well, the years have certainly flew by...yes, I do have a mission for you in exchange for the Flourescent Stone!

Kelton: ......

Kimiko: What is this mission?

Dog God: A simpl

e mission...capture the rare Blue-Nosed Pit Bull...and bring it to me!

Kimiko: How do we find it?

Dog God: Go to the Temple of Dogs and she should be there!

Kimiko: Any distinguishing features?

Dog God: (Annoyed) She has a blue nose!

Kelton: Heh-heh-heheheh...

Kimiko: That's not funny!

Kelton: We will carry out this mission! I'll be right back!

 Kelton and Kimiko exit the cave and looks up the hill to find the Temple of Dogs!

Kelton: Let's Go!

Kimiko: Right!

 They leap into the sky and head for the temple...


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Senya - Naruto Shippuden OST 2
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